Birthday Party in a Box

Project time:  1 Hour (all the separate items totaled) 

Cost: $10-$20

Difficulty: Moderate 

Materials: Petite Scallop Banner + Tiny Terrarium + Birthday Flag + Free Birthday Card Printable + Tissue Paper + Scissors + Pretty Paper + Tape + Mailing Box

Finished product: A Birthday Party in a Box!

Use ideas: Remote Birthday present for someone special + Bridal Shower + Baby Shower

Party in a box printables and idea (includes: flag, bunting banner, tiny party in a terrarium, printable card, and printable number flag.)

This past week was my dear sister's birthday. Hooray! Since this dear sister lives in a different state, I decided to pack up her party and ship it to her.

I purposely kept each item minimal and generally unembellished for easy shipping and assembly on the other side. You know me, I like a good user experience. No one wants a party shipped to them that takes longer then 5 minute to set up, let's be real.

I've broken the box items out into individual how-to's (links will be below.) But I also wanted to highlight the final details of how it was put together.


1) Gather your items

This box included:

I also included a fun little pack of bookmarks -  you can add your own special extras too!

Close up of card, number flag, and tiny party in a terrarium

2) Find a box, line it with tissue paper. I purposely went indie and used a sardine box to be unassuming. 

3) Pack your items, and sprinkle some confetti before sealing. I taped some 'confetti' to the outside, using paper from the hole punch I accumulated from the other projects. I put some confetti inside the box as well. #Confettiismyfriend

Party in a box, being packed into a box
Hand holding confetti
Sealed box, used box reads: " Wild sardines."

And there you have it! Birthday party in a box.


- Remember to keep things simple and easy to assemble for the receiver

- As always, if you try this project I'd love to see your creation! Please share a pic and tag us on instagram, @somanyhoorays #naileditsomanyhoorays or on the So Many Hoorays facebook page