Free Printable: Monster Silhouettes
Project time: 30 Minutes
Cost: FREE
Difficulty: Simple
Materials: Free Monster Silhouette printable + Printer + Pretty Paper + Tape + Scissors
Finished product: Adorable paper monster silhouettes
Use ideas: Halloween party decor, Harvest party decor, Seasonal decor, Monster birthday theme
These blobs of teeth and bright eyes are a festive addition to any party, and make a cute seasonal decoration too!
I put these little guys in my front window, but get creative! You can have them peeking out from behind book shelves, cabinet doors, under the fridge, or lamps; the monster hiding possibilities are endless!
1) Print out the monster guides. Note: I printed mine on regular white printer paper and used them as a guide/pattern on my darker paper.
(8.5 x 11 regular paper size)
2) For quicker crafting time, hold the guide paper on top of the silhouette paper and cut the guide and silhouette at the same time.
Helpful hint: when cutting out the eyes, punch a hole with the scissors in the center of the eye and cut a circle in a spiral form, from the center out. That way you don’t have to bend the paper. And don’t forget to cut some pupils! (It’s ok to say pupil in a blog post when it’s around Halloween time, I checked.)
3) Once you have your silhouettes cut out and ready to go, get some tape and start pasting these little sneaks all over!
I pasted them on my front walk window, but if I didn’t have a little one trying to rip them down, I would have loved to have them sneaking all over the house! (Behind bookshelves, cabinet doors, under lamps, in the pantry, etc!)
- You can add some colored tissue paper behind their eyes if you wan to add some ‘glowing’ color! I kept my palette to two colors, dark gray and light gray, but feel free to use any and as many as you want!
- As always, if you try this project I'd love to see your outcome! Please share a pic and tag us on instagram, @somanyhoorays #naileditsomanyhoorays or on the So Many Hoorays facebook page