Free Printable: 'Mistletoe With Me' Banner

Project time:  30 Minutes

Cost: $3-$5

Difficulty: Simple

Materials: Free ‘Mistletoe With Me’ Printable + String + Hole Punch + Scissors + Printer + Cardstock

Finished product: A simple Christmas banner to remind you to ‘Mistletoe’ with those you love

Use ideas: Christmas Party Backdrop + Bedroom Decor + Mantle Decoration + Office Christmas Party Decor + Simple Living Room Christmas Decor + Christmas Photo Prop + Christmas Party Photo Booth Backdrop

Printable banner reading in black block letters: "Mistletoe with me."

Hope you all are enjoying your December! Getting some quality rest time in, doing every single event on your advent calendar, kids not driving you crazy, house looking like a peaceful, picture perfect Christmas card, right? Right?

Well my tree is decorated from the middle up because my darling Esther kid has removed all the ornaments from the bottom. (Just pray she doesn’t decide to climb) I’ve done one thing on my advent calendar (I just keep moving the cards into the next nights envelope, we’d better get it together soon or we will be very busy come the 24th...) and I’ve yet to sit through a whole Christmas movie!

But the month is young yet, and I am enjoying some intentional time with family and my #hothubs.

Being honest, we can use all the reminders we can get to slow down and enjoy those around us. So print, cut, and hang this lil’ cutie somewhere intentional. Smooch on ya’ll. Smooch on.

1) Print the Free ‘Mistletoe With Me’ Banner on heavy cardstock.

Printable banner reading in black block letters: "Mistletoe with me." Printable uncut

2) Cut out your letters. Don’t forget to round the edges like the printable shows, it makes for a nice, ‘store-bought’ look if you stick with it!

Printable banner reading in black block letters: "Mistletoe with me." M closeup to show threading markers

3) Punch some holes, in your letters of course. Use the handy little X marks for continuity.

Holepunch making a punch on the marker for the rope to thread through the letter

Admire how cute and Scandinavian the punches look, possibly save it for confetti later on.

Black and white hole punch pieces that look like confetti

4) Cut, tape, and loop your string. I used approximately 7 feet per line. I looped one end and taped the other so I could put the letters on without my yarn fraying itself into a hot mess. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

String looped and knotted

5) String your letters. Start with the last letter and move the string left to right to have it show as a detail on top of the letters.

String being threaded though printable letters

6) Trim and wrap a tiny bunch of actual mistletoe. I used this bunch from Hobby Lobby. I was able to split it into a few different bunches, and made more kissable places around my house.

Mistletoe staged with unhung banner letters

Hang the banner, hang the mistletoe, and there you have it! A simple and festive reminder to pucker up and show some love this Christmas.

Completed banner and sprig of mistletoe

- As always, if you try this project I'd love to see your result! Please share a pic and tag us on instagram, @somanyhoorays #naileditsomanyhoorays or on the So Many Hoorays facebook page